Monday, January 27, 2020

The Concept Of Childrens Day

The Concept Of Childrens Day Universally, Children s Day is celebrated on 20th November, every year. This date was chosen as a day to celebrate childhood. Prior to 1959 Children s Day was universally celebrated in the month of October. This was first celebrated in the year 1954, as decided by the UN General Assembly. Basically this day was instituted with the sole aim of promoting communal exchange and understanding among children, as well as to bring about beneficiary action to promote the welfare of children, all over the globe. The date 20th November, was chosen as it marks the anniversary of the day in 1959, when the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly adopted. In 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed on the same date, which has been sanctioned by 191 states, ever since. However, while 20th November is universally celebrated as Children s Day, in India this day has been preponed to 14th November, the date the marks the birth anniversary of independent India s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The reason why his birthday has been chosen for the celebration of children is because of his love and passion for children. Pandit Nehru is also regarded as the country s special child to have been the first Prime Minister, after her long struggle for independence. The day is marked with a lot of activities for children. But the fact remains that only a section of the country s children actually have an opportunity to celebrate their existence. Schools organize events and activities that their students thoroughly enjoy, but there is an entire populace of young ones that are left ignored on this special day the downtrodden street children. Instead of celebrating it with pomposity in schools and clubs and hotels, why not bring a difference into the lives of children who are unprivileged. While celebrating being a child, the fortunate ones should be reminded about their good fortune to have all that they are endowed with, while there are others who can barely feed or clothe themselves. Thus, while this day was globally instituted to provide children with basic Rights, maybe one can make a difference to a child s life by doing something special. Parties and celebrations happen all the time, but how about taking the fortunate children to homes that shelter street children and have them befriend those kids, donating clothes, toys, stationery, books, etc. Another way of celebrating this day differently would be to have your children, whether as teacher or parent, organize a party for some underprivileged children. In fact, if this is done in every neighborhood, imagine how many smiles there will be across the nation. Childhood is about innocence and playfulness. It is about joy and freedom. Maybe on this day you can make your own child sign up to sponsor the education of an unprivileged child, either through an NGO dedicated to educating and providing better living conditions for street children, or maybe you could do so for your employee s child. Celebrating Children s Day is about giving children the right to enjoy and grow into healthy and educated citizens of the country, and if you can teach your child the value of sharing with others what they are lucky to have, then not only your child will grow into a responsible human being, but also another child who otherwise could have ended up being a delinquent, had it not been for your thoughtfulness. As mentioned earlier, Childrens day in India is celebrated on Pandit Nehrujis birthday as a day of fun and frolic, a celebration of childhood, children and Nehrujis love for them. As a tribute to his love for children, Nehrujis birthday is celebrated all over India as CHILDRENS DAY Children are the future citizens of the country. The future of the country depends upon the present children. If the children do not develop in a proper way, the countrys future will be ruined. This was rightly realized by our late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. So, he advised the people to stop observing his birthday on the 14th November and to observe this day as the childrens Day. Since 1956 the 14th November is every year, observed in India as the Childrens Day. Advantages: On the Childrens day the neglecting people will get an opportunity to think of the future of their children. The whole society will think of its duty and responsibility towards the children. They will think of what have been done for the children in the year past and what should be done for them in the year coming. Because children are the future citizens of the country and the future of the country depends upon the present children. People will know that every individual in our society has a sacred duty towards the children. How this day is observed: Every year on the 14th November the Childrens Day is observed everywhere in our country. People gather in meetings to discuss over the future of the children. They discuss over how to build children as the ideal citizens. They discuss about how to make the child healthy physically, mentally and morally. Because if the students be not properly built, the future of the country will be in ruin. So, they take pledge not to neglect their children. The Childrens Day makes them realize that child is the father of man. On the Childrens Day, the children are given new garments and rich food. They are given picture books. Conclusion: Children are the future of our country. They are the future of our nation. So, every individual should realize the importance of the Childrens Day. Childrens day is celebrated in India on 14th november every year with a great celebrity. It is celebrated on the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehruji who loved and was loved by children. He was called as Chacha ji by children However, while 20th November is universally celebrated as Children s Day, in India this day has been preponed to 14th November, the date the marks the birth anniversary of independent India s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Childrens Day is an event celebrated on various days in many places around the world. International Childrens Day is celebrated on June 1 and Universal Childrens Day is on November 20.[1]Other countries celebrate a local childrens day on other dates. The reason why his birthday has been chosen for the celebration of children is because of his love and passion for children. Pandit Nehru is also regarded as the country s special child to have been the first Prime Minister, after his long struggle for independence. The day is marked with a lot of activities for children. But the fact remains that only a section of the country s children actually have an opportunity to celebrate their existence. Schools organize events and activities that their students thoroughly enjoy, but there is an entire populace of young ones that are left ignored on this special day the downtrodden street children.As mentioned earlier, Childrens day in India is celebrated on Pandit Nehrujis birthday as a day of fun and frolic, a celebration of childhood, children and Nehrujis love for them. As a tribute to his love for children, Nehrujis birthday is celebrated all over India as CHILDRENS DAY His great love for roses as well as children is a well-known fact. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden. They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Most importantly he did not discriminate between the sexes and believed in giving equal opportunities to girls and boys. In fact his own little girl grew up to be the third Prime Minister of India. Quite naturally, he was the beloved of all the children who gave him the endearing name of Chacha Nehru. As a tribute to this great man and his genuine love for children, his birthday is celebrated all over India as UNIVERSAL CHILDRENS DAY. A day of fun and fanfare. It is not only a national holiday, but is celebrated with singing, dancing and storytelling in schools and colleges as well as on radio and television. Special functions are held to honour children all over the country. The significance of Childrens Day But amidst all this pomp and glory, we should not lose sight of Chacha Nehrus real message. That is providing our children with a safe and loving environment in which to grow as well as giving them ample and equal opportunities through which they can take great strides and contribute to the progress of the nation. This day serves as a reminder to each and every one of us, to renew our commitment to the welfare of children and teach them to live by their Chacha Nehrus standards and example.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Leadership Character in a Famous Leader Essay

Leadership is establishing direction and influencing a group of people towards the achievement of goal.World without leader would ceast to exist.A leader shows a ray of light in darkness and makes future brighter.He brings hope and happiness in life. Mahatma known as great soul.Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule.He is known as the ‘Father of Independence’ of his country.His non-violent protest to achieve political and social progress has been hugely influential.Mahatma Gandhi had a vision for India, where there would no government, no army or police force.He wished that India would be as it was in the past with self-developing villages,only depending on agrarian economy(Mahatma Gandhi’s Vision for the future India,by Joseph S.Friedman)The essential qualities of leadership can be found in Gandhi are crebility,selfless and inspirational leader. Gandhi had a credibility established through his work and movements in South Africa. South Africa changed Gandhi dramatically,as he faced the discrimination. One day in court at Durban, the magistrate asked him to remove his turban. Other than that, Gandhi was thrown off a train, when he refused to move from the first class to a third class coach. These are the incidents have been known as a turning point in his life(Biography of Mahatma Gandhi, by Jennifer Rosenberg).People already had a great honor and hopes from him due to what he could achieve in South Africa, his non-violent were very well respected. In India, Gandhi established the credibility through example.He showed himself as a slave of the people of India. Gandhi is a selfless leader in the history.His approach had nothing to do with his personal interest and in fact, he sacrificed his comfort and his family’s to bring about the change.On several occasions, he was humiliated, battered and kicked by the whites.He tolerated the insults and let go those who were unjust to him.He was never thought of revenge.All he wanted was discriminatory practices against the non-white to be stopped (Gandhi An Exemplary Leader, by Ashim Gupta,2008). Moreover, the lesser-known attributes of the great soul were humanity and service. He offered shelter to a leper and cared for him.He took two hours from his office work daily to monitor the leper in a hospital in Natal.Also,Gandhi is remembered by the poor more for his service than as an independence fighter. Gandhi without a doubt could inspire many leaders, he could show the common man that even he can make difference and bring the English Empire down.It was possible since his leadership based on self-reliance and non-cooperation. Martin Luther King was greatly inspired by Mahatma.Gandhi’s non-violence was informal by not merely his Hindu background but by extensive study of other religious and moral traditions, including Christianity. Gandhi’s greatest contribution to history and the reason his was such a crucial influence on King was Gandhi’s contention was always that standing up for oneself, struggling against independence, living with dignity and integrity. Do not require any use of violence(Mahatma Gandhi Leadership-Inspirational Foundations, by Y.P Anand,2007).Besides,South African former president Nelson Mandela’s first inspiration was Mahatma Gandhi.Mandela is not the only student of Non-violence leader Mahatma Gandhi.There are some other famous lead ers in world who follow him for that. In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi,who is known as the ‘Father of The Nation’ was the key leader in the independence struggle for India.Although,to this day, India is the largest democracy in the world with an globalized economy that has absolutely nothing to do with Gandhi’s vision for his beloved country.However,his gentle approach to life is a proof to the fact that strength does not equal to physical capacity(Inspiring quotes by Mahatma, by Zoe B).Gandhi’s outstanding qualities which has proven that it is possible to remain gentle in spirit, yet simultaneously achieve a huge amount of strength and respect.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Compulsory Voting

Compulsory Voting Compulsory voting would result in a decrease in the quality and accuracy of voting results and political leadership. Countries such as Australia do not take many factors into consideration when they require their citizens to vote in local, state, and national elections. Compulsory voting causes skewed results and stress for citizens who are not physically fit or mentally competent enough to vote accurately. Apathy and uneducated citizens can result in invalid voting results.If all people were forced to vote, uneducated citizens who are not familiar with the issues and concerns on the ballot might cast random, careless votes. Voters who are complacent about their country’s government would also create skewed results because they are not likely to research the topics they vote on. Secondly, each individual who is knowledgeable has a greater impact on the final results. These citizens who are informed, keep up with current events, and take the time to vote volun tarily because they recognize the importance of it should be rewarded.In many countries, citizens do not have an influence in government decisions. In parts of the world where citizens have the right to vote, the only method to create an accurate representation of the desires of citizens is to leave voting voluntary, not compulsory. Implementing a required voting system would be inconsiderate to many people and would cause many negative effects in society. It does not take into account citizens who are elderly, mentally or physically incompetent, or struggling financially. For elderly people, leaving the home in order to vote may enervate them.Many other groups of people might find it challenging to vote, such as those who can not afford gas or a car to drive the voting site. Some may not own a TV or a computer to research the candidates or issues they are supposed to vote for. With everyday stresses such as children, work, and finances, adding voting as a requirement for all would cause chaos. The government would have to grant exceptions to some citizens who are unable to vote, possibly causing disorder and lawsuits in the court system from people who believe they should be excused from voting.In every nation, residents should be given the choice to participate in influencing government affairs if they so choose. It would prevent inaccurate results by not forcing citizens who are unaware of the candidates or issues to vote, and would reward those who voluntarily take time out of their day to vote and research the issues. Discrimination against people who are unable to vote would also not occur. Voting should be encouraged by the government, but enforcing it would impinge on citizens and would be a disservice to society.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Women s Rights Within The Viking Age - 924 Words

Traditional historiographies and archaeological research perceived the Viking world as being dominated by men with the majority of studies being concerned with exploring the life and material culture of the male part of the society. There is no denying that archaeology is a discipline which has traditionally been deeply colored by a predominantly male bias, and the historical dominance of men over women had been accepted to such a degree that it appeared to be the natural order of things . Popular imagination was of male Viking warriors with their long beards, large axes, colorful shields, and bloodied swords. The presence of women was limited within the scope of early works. The historiographical study of women’s rights within the Viking Age is in its early stages. The academic fields of gender and women’s studies gained greater prominence beginning in the 1970’s, coinciding with the feminist movement. Early gender archaeology can be said to have been a search f or women in the past, which was closely tied with the second wave feminism of the 60s and 70s . It is not surprising that the earliest practitioners in gender archaeology wanted to show that there were in fact women in the past, and that these women were not just important, they were just as important and integral to the development of cultures as their contemporary men. From within the framework of these ideas grew some less than reputable pieces of theory, founded on Engels famous citation ‘world historicShow MoreRelatedMedieval Masculinities : The Viking Age1833 Words   |  8 PagesScandinavian Late Iron Age, popularly known as the Viking Age, is often represented by pre 1960’s archeology as deeply and inherently male, with male aggressiveness as the ideal presented to the public, leaving little room for alternative gender roles in the popular imagination. 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